Tražimo volontere s izvrsnim znanjem engleskog jezika, koji će pridonijeti posjećenosti web stranice 'Instituta za Neuromarketing' i društvenim mrežama, kreiranjem znanstvenih blogova i sadržaja o neuromarketingu, AI tehnologiji u marketingu, potrošačkoj bihevioralnoj ekonomiji, nanomarketingu i sl. Potrebna visoka razina pismenosti na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku, iskustvo kreiranja i pisanja znanstvenog sadržaja, iskustvo kreiranja sadržaja za...
We are so happy and proud to announce our recent study which we did for Podravka "VEGETA BIO" and "PASSATA BIO RAJČICA" brands, the leading brand in terms of volume sales in the category of dehydrated (dry) food additives, been published in the top tier Journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food System and is available online...
2022. smo započeli s konferencijama te nam je drago da smo bili dio #marketalks konferencije i predstavili važnost neuromarketinga u akademskoj zajednici i obrazovanju. Hvala Fakultetu ekonomije i turizma "Dr. Mijo Mirković" na pozivu! Virtualna stručna konferencija “FET – Business Insights” održala se u sklopu EU projekta “Stručnom praksom do ranog razvoja karijere” (UP., Razvoj,...
The website of a college is becoming an important tool for students to gather information and make decisions about higher education. In 2005, private schools spent approximately $2,073 per new student to apprentice, making communication and recruitment efficiency a significant aim for institutions. Where do awaited students go to learn about colleges and universities? They...
Emotions play a significant role in our lives, influencing our ideas and behavior, along with reasoning, making an opinion, and developing an attitude. It has been observed that social networking activity might cause emotional and sentimental reactions. Lin and Utz used emotion self-reports to investigate the positive (joy) and negative (i.e., jealousy) emotional reactions when...
UNESCO[1] is tracking the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic on students worldwide. At the height of the impact in May 2020, more than 1.4 billion students were affected by school closures. That 84% of all primary, secondary, and post-secondary learners. And that doesn’t even consider the volume of professional education and corporate training that...
As a neuroscience based methodology application to the study of food packaging has recently gained huge popularity (both in academia and practice) but there are still some concerns about the methods and metrics which are offered as well the interpretation of this finding. In the recent years, a noticeable increase in the use of eye-tracking...
We are happy to be a part of "First Circul-A-Bility Conference", organized by Università di Foggia from Italy where we were able to present our findings from our latest neuromarketing research by using a real-world use case on Croatian brand: Imunoalfa . As a neuroscience based methodology application to the study of food packaging has recently gained huge popularity...
We proudly announce how 'Institute for Neuromarketing' has been awarded with the prestigious UK Innovation and Excellence Award as a winner of 'MOST INNOVATIVE MARKETING OGRANISATION IN EUROPE'! Their jury committee says: 'This is by far the most important category when awarding a company for Innovation & Excellence. With such a broad range of businesses...
I was 18 years old when I experienced the excitement of participating in the first edition of Rock In Rio, one of the greatest Rock'n Roll festivals in the world, which took place in 1985 in the old City of Rock, located in Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro. The event lasted 10 days, with a total...