If you want to be at the cutting edge of marketing, you need to make sure you tune in to Dr Hedda Martina Šola’s webinar on neuromarketing, ‘How Brands Use Your Brain in Ads’.

Neuromarketing uses neuroscientific analysis to create advertising based on how we respond biologically to marketing campaigns. Rather than asking consumers how they feel about a particular advert, neuromarketing reveals how consumers actually feel by measuring their biological responses.

For example, in traditional marketing, you might present an advert to a consumer and ask how it makes them feel. The consumer may tell the truth, or may give inaccurate feedback, leaving an element of doubt in how the advert actually works. In neuromarketing, you can find out how the consumer responds biologically, through scanning key vital signs like their heart rate, blood pressure, brain activity and other sensory and cognitive measures.

Neuromarketing may sound like the future, but it’s actually the present. Brands are already utilising neuromarketing to give them a clearer, more accurate picture of how their potential customers react to different styles of advertising and marketing.

If you want to succeed in business, and want to create a top tier marketing campaigns, learning about neuromarketing is essential.

Dr Hedda is one of the foremost experts on neuromarketing. She’s Director of the Institute of Neuromarketing, and is also an Associate Professor at Oxford Business College. She’ll bring years of experience and insight to her upcoming webinar, which takes place on Friday October 30th, at 6pm GMT.

To sign up for free, and learn more about neuromarketing from Dr Hedda, go to Oxford Business College’s eventbrite page:

Traditional marketing is dead. Welcome to the world of neuromarketing.

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